Source code for theia.cli.collector


Theia collector command line interface script.
import signal
from logging import getLogger
from theia.naivestore import NaiveEventStore
from theia.collector import Collector

log = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_parser(subparsers): """Configures the subparser for the ``collect`` command. :param argparse.ArgumentParser subparser: subparser for commands. :returns: :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` configured for the ``collect`` command. """ parser = subparsers.add_parser('collect', help='Collector server') parser.add_argument('-d', '--data-dir', dest='data_dir', help='Data store root directory') parser.add_argument('-U', '--db-url', dest='db_url', help='Database URL (SQLAlchemy form)', default=None) parser.add_argument('--verbose', dest='store_verbose', action='store_true', help='Make the EventStore to log more verbose output.') parser.add_argument('--rdbs-store', dest='rdbs_store', action='store_true', help='Use RDBS EventStore instead of NaiveEventStore.' + 'The RDBS store keeps the events in a relational database.') parser.add_argument('--live', dest='live_mode', action='store_true', help='Run the collector in live (non persistent) mode. Events will not be stored.') return parser
[docs]def run_collector(args): """Runs the collector server. :param argparse.Namespace args: arguments to configure the :class:`theia.collector.Collector` instance. """ store = None if args.rdbs_store: store = get_rdbs_store(args) if store:'Using RDBS Event Store') else: log.warning('Unable to set up the RDBS Event Store. Will fall back to using Naive Event Store.') if not store: store = get_naive_store(args)'Using Naive Event Store') persistent = not args.live_mode collector = Collector(store=store, hostname=args.server_host, port=args.port, persistent=persistent) def stop_collector(sig, frame): """Signal handler that stops the collector. """'Collector is shutting down.') collector.stop() signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, stop_collector) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, stop_collector) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, stop_collector)
def _has_sqlalchemy(): try: import sqlalchemy except: return False return True
[docs]def get_rdbs_store(args): """Creates and configures new :class:`theia.rdbs.RDBSEventStore` based on the arguments passed. :param argparse.Namespace args: arguments. """ if not _has_sqlalchemy():'SQLAlchemy is not present on your system. RDBSEventStore cannot work without it.') return None from theia.rdbs import create_store if not args.db_url: raise Exception('No Database URL') return create_store(db_url=args.db_url, verbose=args.store_verbose)
[docs]def get_naive_store(args): """Creates and configures new :class:`theia.naivestore.NaiveEventStore` based on the arguments passed. :param argparse.Namespace args: arguments. """ if not args.data_dir: raise Exception('No data directory specified') return NaiveEventStore(root_dir=args.data_dir)