Source code for theia.rdbs


Relational database EventStore implementation.
import re
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy import Column, String, Float, create_engine, desc
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from theia.storeapi import (EventStore,
from theia.model import Event

Base = declarative_base()

[docs]class EventRecord(Base): """SQLAlchemy model representing the event. """ __tablename__ = 'events' id = Column(String, primary_key=True) timestamp = Column(Float, index=True) tags = Column(String) source = Column(String, index=True) content = Column(String, index=True) custom_headers = Column(String) def __repr__(self): return 'Event<%s @ %s>' % (, str(self.timestamp)) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __eq__(self, obj): if obj is None: return False if not isinstance(obj, EventRecord): return False return == def __hash__(self): return hash(
[docs]class RDBSEventStore(EventStore): """EventStore that persists the events in a relational database. The implementation relies on SQLAlchemy ORM framework. :param session_factory: the SQLAlchemy SessionMaker function. """ def __init__(self, session_factory): self.session_factory = session_factory self.bulk_size = 128 def _session(self): """Creates new session. """ return self.session_factory()
[docs] def save(self, event): """Stores the event in the underlying database. Note that this method only does *INSERT* as the ``EventStore`` has no concept of *UPDATE* - each event is only added and cannot be updated. Adding the same event twice will result in an error. :param event (theia.model.Event): the event to save. This method does not return a value. """ event_record = EventRecord(, timestamp=float(event.timestamp), tags=','.join((event.tags or [])), source=event.source, content=event.content) sess = self._session() try: sess.add(event_record) sess.commit() finally: sess.close()
[docs] def delete(self, event_id): """Deletes the event with the given event id. :param event_id(str): the event id """ sess = self._session() try: event_record = sess.query(EventRecord).get(event_id) if not event_record: raise EventNotFound() sess.delete(event_record) sess.commit() except Exception as e: raise EventWriteException(str(e)) from e finally: sess.close()
[docs] def get(self, event_id): """Looks up an event by its id. :param event_id(str): the event id. :returns: a ``theia.model.Event`` if the event was found or ```theia.storeapi.EventNotFound``` if no such event can be found. """ sess = self._session() try: event_record = sess.query(EventRecord).get(event_id) if not event_record: raise EventNotFound() return Event(, timestamp=str(event_record.timestamp), tags=(event_record.tags or '').split(','), source=event_record.source, content=event_record.content) except EventNotFound as ne: raise ne except Exception as e: raise EventReadException(str(e)) from e finally: sess.close()
[docs] def search(self, ts_start, ts_end=None, flags=None, match=None, order='asc'): """Performs a search through the stored events. :param ts_start(float): *required*, match all events that occured at or later than this time. :param ts_end(float): *optional*, match all events that occured before this time. :param flags(list): *optional*, list of string values (regular expressions) against which to match the event tags. Event matches only if *all* flags are matched against the event's tags. :param match(str): *optional*, match the content of an event. This is a regular expession as well. :param order(str): either ``asc`` or ``desc`` - sort the results ascending or descending based on the event timestamp. :returns: an iterator over all matched results. """ if not ts_start: raise EventStoreException('start timestamp is required when searching events') flag_matchers = None content_matcher = None if flags: try: flag_matchers = [re.compile(f) for f in flags] except Exception: raise EventStoreException('invalid flags match regex.') if match: try: content_matcher = re.compile(match) except Exception: raise EventStoreException('invalid content match regex.') def get_bulk(blk): """Fetch single page bulk results. """ sess = self._session() qry = sess.query(EventRecord).filter(EventRecord.timestamp >= ts_start) if ts_end: qry.filter(EventRecord.timestamp <= ts_end) if order == 'asc': qry.order_by(EventRecord.timestamp) else: qry.order_by(desc(EventRecord.timestamp)) results = [] count = 0 for event_record in qry.limit(self.bulk_size).offset(blk*self.bulk_size).all(): count += 1 flags = (event_record.tags or '').split(',') if flag_matchers: if not match_all(flag_matchers, flags): continue if content_matcher: if not content_matcher.fullmatch(event_record.content or ''): continue event = Event(, timestamp=event_record.timestamp, tags=flags, source=event_record.source or '', content=event_record.content) results.append(event) return results, blk, count > 0 page = 0 has_more = True while has_more: results, page, has_more = get_bulk(page) for result in results: yield result page += 1
[docs] def close(self): """Closes the store. Does nothing in this implementation. """ pass
[docs]def match_any(matcher, values): """Check if the matcher matches *any* of the supplied values. :param matcher(regex pattern): compiled regular expression. :param values(list): list of ``str`` values to match. :returns: ``True`` if *any* of the ``str`` values matches (fullmatch) the matcher; otherwise ``False``. """ for val in values: if matcher.fullmatch(val): return True return False
[docs]def match_all(matchers, values): """Check if *all* matchers match any of the given values. Each matcher *must* match at least one value of the list of values. :param matchers(list): list of compiled regular expressions. :param values(list): list of ``str`` to match :returns: ``True`` only if *all* of the matchers have matched at least one value of the provided list of values. """ for matcher in matchers: if not match_any(matcher, values): return False return True
[docs]def create_store(db_url, verbose=False): """Creates new RDBSEventStore. :param db_url(str): The database URL in SQLAlchemy form. :param verbose(bool): ``True`` to show extended messages from the store. :returns: RDBSEventStore object. """ engine = create_engine(db_url, echo=verbose) Base.metadata.create_all(engine) session_factory = sessionmaker(bind=engine) return RDBSEventStore(session_factory)