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The log aggregator collector server imlementation.

class theia.collector.Collector(store, hostname='', port=4300)[source]

Collector server.

Collects the events, passes them down the live pipe filters and stores them in the event store.

  • storetheia.storeapi.Store, store instance
  • hostamestr, server hostname. Default is ‘’.
  • portint, server port. Default is 4300.

Run the collector server.

This operation is blocking.


Stop the collector server.

This operation is non-blocking.

class theia.collector.Live(serializer)[source]

Live event pipeline.

Each event is passed through the live event pipeline and matched to the LiveFilter filters.

Parameters:serializertheia.model.Serializer, event serializer.

Adds new filter to the pipeline.

Parameters:lfilterLiveFilter, the filter to add to the pipeline.

Add an event to the live pipeline.

The event will be matched against all filters in this pipeline.

Parameters:eventtheia.model.Event, the event to be pipelined.
class theia.collector.LiveFilter(ws, criteria)[source]

Filter for the live event pipe.

Holds a single criteria to filter events by.

  • wswebsockets.WebSocketClientProtocol, reference to the web socket instance.
  • criteriadict, dict holding criteria values.

Matches an event to the criteria of this filter.

Parameters:eventtheia.model.Event, the event to match.
match(bool), True if the event matches the criteria, otherwise False.


Theia communication module.

Defines classes for building theia servers and clients.

Theia communication module is asynchronous and is built on top of asyncio loop.

There are two main interfaces:

  • Server an async server handling and managing WebSocket connections from multiple clients.
  • Client an async client connection to a theia server.

The interfaces are designed to work primarily with theia events and are thread-safe.

class theia.comm.Client(loop, host, port, secure=False, path=None, recv=None)[source]

Client represents a client connection to a theia server.

  • loopasyncio EventLoop to use for this client.
  • hoststr, theia server hostname.
  • portint, theia server port.
  • securebool, is the connection secure.
  • pathstr, the request path - for example: "/live", "/events" etc.
  • recv

    function, receive handler. Called when a message is received from the server. The handler has the following signature:

    def handler(message):
  • message is the message received from the theia server.

Close the connection to the remote server.

Parameters:reasonstr, the reason for disconnecting. If not given, a default "normal close" is sent to the server.

Connect to the remote server.


Check if the client connection is open.

Returns True if the client connection is open, otherwise False.


Add close handler.

The handles is called when the client connection is closed either by the client or by the server.


function, the handler callback. The callback prototype looks like so:

def callback(websocket, code, reason):


  • websocket websockets.WebSocketClientProtocol is the underlying
  • code int is the code received when the connection was closed. Check
    out the WebSocket specification for the list of codes and their meaning.
  • reason str is the reason for closing the connection.

Send a str message to the remote server.

Parameters:messagestr, the message to be sent to the remote server.

Returns the asyncio.Handle to the scheduled task for sending the actual data.


Send an event to the remote server.

Serializes, then sends the serialized content to the remote server.

Parameters:eventtheia.model.Event, the event to be send.

Returns the asyncio.Handle to the scheduled task for sending the actual data.

class theia.comm.Server(loop, host='localhost', port=4479)[source]

Listens for and manages multiple client connections.

The server is based on asyncio event loop. It manages the websocket connections comming from multiple clients based on the path in the websocket request connection.

Provides a way to register a callback for notifying when a client connects to a particular endpoint (path), and also a way to register a callback for when the client disconnects.

Instances of this class are thread-safe.

  • loopasyncio.BaseEventLoop, the event loop.
  • hoststr, the hostname to bind to when listening fo incoming connections.
  • portint, the port to listen on.
on_action(path, cb)[source]

Register a callback to listen for messages from clients that connected to this specific entrypoint (path).

The callback will be called whenever a new message is received from the client on this path.

If multiple callbacks are registered on the same action, then they are called one by one in the same order as registered. The response from the callbacks is chained between the subsequent calls.

  • pathstr, the request path of the incoming websocket connection.
  • cb

    function, the callback to be called when a message is received from the client on this path. The callback handler looks like this:

    def callback(path, message, websocket, resp):
        return resp


  • path str, the path on which the message was received.
  • message str, the messge received from the websocket connection.
  • websocket websockets.WebSocketClientProtocol, the underlying
  • resp str, the response from the previous action registered on this
    same action

The callback must return str response or None.

on_websocket_close(websocket, cb)[source]

Register a close callback for this websocket.

  • websocketwebsockets.WebSocketClientProtocol, the websocket to watch for closing.
  • cb

    function, the callback to be called when the websocket is closed. The callback should look like this:

    def callback(ws, path):


  • ws (websockets.WebSocketClientProtocol), the underlying websocket
  • path (str), the request path of the websocket.

This method returns True if the callback was added; False if the websocket is not managed by this Server instance.


Starts the server.

This call blocks until the server is started or an error occurs.


Stops the server.

Closes all client websocket connections then shuts down the server.

This operation blocks until the server stops or an error occurs.

class theia.comm.wsHandler(websocket, path)[source]

Wrapper for an incoming websocket connection.

Used primarily with the Server implementation in the client connections life-cycle management.

  • websocketwebsockets.WebSocketClientProtocol, the underlying websocket connection.
  • pathstr, the request path of the websocket connection.

Note: This class is mainly used internally and as such it is a subject of chnages in its API.


Register a close handler for this connection.


function, the close handler callback. The callback receives two parameters:

  • ws (websockets.WebSocketClientProtocol), the underlying websocket
  • path (str), the request path of the websocket.

Triggers the close handlers for this websocket.

Parameters:websocketwebsockets.WebSocketClientProtocol, the underlying websocket connection.


Theia event data model.

Basic model of an Event, serializers and parsers for Event manipulation.

exception theia.model.EOFException[source]

Represents an error in parsing an Event from an underlyign stream that occurs when the end of stream is reached prematurely.

class theia.model.Event(id, source, timestamp=None, tags=None, content=None)[source]

Event represnts some event occuring at a specfic time.

Each event is uniquely identified by its id in the whole system. An event comes from a source and always has an associated timestamp. The timestamp is usually generated by the event producer.

The content of an event is an arbitrary string. It may be a log file line, some generated record, readings from a sensor or other non-structured or structured text.

Each event may have a list of tags associcated with it. These are arbitrary strings and help in filtering the events.

An event may look like this

timestamp: 1509989630.6749051
Door has been unlocked.

The constructor takes multiple arguments, of which only the id and source are required.

  • idstr, the event unique identifier. Must be system-wide unique. An UUID version 4 (random UUID) would be a good choice for id.
  • sourcestr, the source of the event. It usually is the name of the monitored file, but if the event does not originate from a file, it should be set to the name of the process, system or entity that generated the event.
  • timestampfloat, time when the event occured in seconds (like UNIX time). The value is a floating point number with nanoseconds precission. If no value is given, then the current time will be used.
  • tagslist, list of str tags to add to this event.
  • contentstr, the actual content of the event. The content may have an arbitrary lenght (or none at all).
match(id=None, source=None, start=None, end=None, content=None, tags=None)[source]

Check if this event matches the provided criteria.

The event will match only if all criteria is statisfied. Calling match without any criteria, yields True.

The criteria is processed as a regular expression. Each value is first converted to string, then matched against the provided regular expression - see re.match(). The exception of this rule are the criteria for start and end wich expect numeric values, as they operate on the Event timestamp.

  • idstr, regular expression against which to match the Event id.
  • sourcestr, regular expression against which to match the Event source.
  • startfloat or int, match true if the Event timestamp is greater than or equal to this value.
  • startfloat or int, match true if the Event timestamp is less than or equal to this value.
  • contentstr, regular expression against which to match the Event content.
  • tagslist, list of str regular expressions against which to match the Event tags. Matches true only if all of the provided criteria match the Event tags.

Returns True if this Event matches the criteria, otherwise False.

class theia.model.EventParser(encoding='utf-8')[source]

Parses an incoming bytes stream into an Event.

Offers methods for parsing parts of an Event or parsing the full event from the incoming io.BytesIO stream.

The stream will be decoded before converting it to str. By default the parser assumes that the stream is utf-8 encoded.

Parameters:encodingstr, the encoding to be ued for decoding the stream bytes. The default is utf-8.
parse_event(stream, skip_content=False)[source]

Parses an event from the incoming stream.

The parsing is done in two phases:

  1. The preamble is parsed to determine the total size of the event and the
    the size of the event header.
  2. Then the actual event is read, either with or without the event content.

If skip_content is set to True, then the actual content of the event is not read. This is usefull in event readers that do matching of the event header values, without wasting memory and performance for reading the content. In this case, the event content will be set to None.

  • streamio.BytesIO, the stream to parse from.
  • skip_contentbool, whether to skip the fetching of the content and to fetch only the Event header. Default is False.

Returns the parsed Event from the incoming stream.

parse_header(hdr_size, stream)[source]

Parses the Event header into a Header object from the incoming stream.

First hdr_size bytes are read from the io.BytesIO stream and are decoded to str.

Then, the parser parses each line by splitting it by the first colon (:). The first part is ued to determine the Header property. The part after the colon is the propery value.


Returns the parsed Header for the event.

Raises Exception if an unknown property is encountered in the header.


Parses the event preamble from the incoming stream into a EventPreamble.

The event preamble is a single line read from the stream with the following structure:

<total_size> <header_size> <content_size>


  • total_size is the total size of the Event (after the heading) in bytes.
  • header_size is the size of the header in bytes.
  • content_size is the size of the content (after the Header) in bytes.

Note that the sizes are expressed in bytes.

Parameters:streamio.BytesIO, the stream to parse.

Returns the parsed EventPreamble from the incoming stream.

class theia.model.EventPreamble(total, header, content)

A preamble to an Event.

The preamble is present only in the serialized representation of an event and holds the information about the size of the event and its parts.


int, the size of the serialized event content in bytes.


int, the size of the serialized event header in bytes.


int, the size of the serialized event in bytes.

class theia.model.EventSerializer(encoding='utf-8')[source]

Serialized for instances of type Event.

This serializes the Event in a plain text representation of the Event. The serialized text is encoded in UTF-8 and the actual bytes are returned.

The representation consists of three parts: preamble, header and content. The preamble is the first line of every event and has this format:

event: <total_size> <header_size> <content_size>


  • total_size is the total size of the Event (after the heading) in bytes.
  • header_size is the size of the header in bytes.
  • content_size is the size of the content (after the Header) in bytes.

The header holds the values for the Event’s id, source, tags and timestamp. Each value is serialized on a single line. The line starts with the name of the property, separated by a colon(:), then the property value.

The content starts after the final header and is separated by a newline.

Here is an example of a fully serialized Event (Python’s bytes):

b'event: 155 133 22\nid:331c531d-6eb4-4fb5-84d3-ea6937b01fdd\ntimestamp: 1509989630.6749051\nsource:/dev/sensors/door1-sensor\ntags:sensors,home,doors,door1\nDoor has been unlocked\n'

or as a textual representation:

event: 155 133 22
timestamp: 1509989630.6749051
Door has been unlocked

Note that the EventSerializer adds a trailing newline (\n) at the end.

The serializer constructor takes the encoding as an argument. By default “utf-8” is used.

Parameters:encodingstr, the encoding of the serialized string. Default utf-8.

Serializes an Event.

See EventSerializer for details on the serialization format.

Parameters:eventEvent, the event to be serialized.

Returns the serialized event as bytes.

class theia.model.Header(id=None, timestamp=None, source=None, tags=None)[source]

Header represents an Event header. The header contains the following properties:

  • id, unique identifier for the event. Usually UUIDv4.
  • timestamp, floating point of the number of milliseconds since epoch start (1970-1-1T00:00:00.00).
  • source, string, the name of the event source.
  • tags, list of strings, arbitrary tags attached to the event.

The header is usefull and usually used when serializing/parsing an event.


Naive implementation of the Event Store.

This module provides an implementation of the theia.storeapi.EventStore that stores the events in plain-text files.

The store writes to the files atomically, so there is no danger of leaving the files in an inconsistent state.

The files in which the store keeps the events are plain text files that contain serialized events, encoded in UTF-8. The events are written sequentially. Plain text is chosen so that these files can be also be read and processed by other tools (such as grep). The events are kept in multiple files. Each file contains about a minute worth of events - all events that happened in that one minute time span. The name of the file is the time span: <first-event-timestamp>-<last-event-timestamp>.

The naive store requires a root directory in which to store the events. Here is an example of usage of the store:

from theia.naivestore import NaiveEventStore
from theia.model import Event
from uuid import uuid4
from datetime import datetime

store = NaiveEventStore(root_dir='./data')

timestamp =,
                 content='event 1')),
                 timestamp=timestamp + 10,
                 content='event 2')),
                 timestamp=timestamp + 20,
                 content='event 3'))

# now let's search some events

for ev in + 5):
    print('Found:', ev.content)

would print:

>> Found: event 2
>> Found: event 3
class theia.naivestore.DataFile(path, start, end)

Represents a file containing data (events) within a given time interval (from start to end).


int, timestamp, the end of the interval. The data file does not contain any events after this timestamp.


str, the path to the data file.


int, timestamp, the start of the interval. The data file does not contain any events before this timestamp.

class theia.naivestore.FileIndex(root_dir)[source]

An index of DataFile files loaded from the given directory.

Loads an builds an index of DataFile files from the given directory. Each data file name must be in the form: <start>-<end>, where start and end represent the time interval of the events in that data file.

FileIndex loads all data files and builds a total time span of all data files. The index exposes methods for locating and searching files that contain the events within a given time interval.

Parameters:root_dirstr, the directory from which to load the data files.

Add a data file to the FileIndex.

The time span will be recalculated to incorporate this new data file.

Parameters:fnamestr, the file name of the data file to be added to the file index.
find(ts_from, ts_to)[source]

Finds the data files that contain the events within the given interval [ts_from, ts_to].

The interval can be open at the end ([ts_from, Inf]), by passing 0 for ts_to. The interval cannot be open at the start.

  • ts_fromfloat, timestamp, find all data files containing events that have timestamp greater than or equal to ts_from.
  • ts_tofloat, timestamp, find all data files containing events that have timestamp less than or equal to ts_to. If 0 or None is passed for this parameter, then the end of the time span is open, meaning this parameter will be ignore in the search.

Returns a list of DataFile files that contain the events within the given interval. Returns None if there are no files containing events within the given interval.


Find the event file that contains the event with the given timestamp.

Parameters:timestampint, the timestamp of the event.

Returns the DataFile containing the event, or None if it cannot be found.

class theia.naivestore.MemoryFile(name, path)[source]

File-system backed in-memory buffer.

This class wraps an io.BytesIO buffer and backs it up with a real file in the file-system. The writes go to the in-memory buffer, which then can be flushed to the actual file in the file-system.

The flushing of the buffer is atomic and consistent. The buffer is first flushed to a temporary file, then the system buffers are synced, and then the temporary file is renamed as the actual file.

The instances of this class are thread-safe and can be shared between threads.

Limitations: This class is not optimized for large data files as it keeps all of the file data in memory. This may cause a performance penalty in both speed and memory consumption when dealing with large files. In those cases it is better to use other memory mapped file implementations.

  • namestr, the name of the file in the file-system. This is just the filename, without the directory.
  • pathstr, the directory holding the file in the file-system.

Writes the in-memory buffer to the file in the file-system.

This operation is atomic and guarantees that the complete state of the buffer will be written to the file. The underlying file will never be left in an inconsistent state. This is achieved by first writing the entire buffer to a temporary file (in the same directory), flushing the system buffers, then if this succeeds, renaming the temporary file as the original file name.


Returns a copy of the underlying io.BytesIO in-memory stream.


Write to the data to the buffer.

This writes the data to the in-memory buffer.

Parameters:databytes, the data to be written to the buffer.
class theia.naivestore.NaiveEventStore(root_dir, flush_interval=1000)[source]

A naive implementation of the theia.storeapi.EventStore that keeps the event data is a plain text files.

The events are kept in plain text files, serialized by default in UTF-8. The files are human readable and the format is designed to be (relatively) easily processed by other tools as well (such as grep). Each data file contains events that happened within one minute (60000ms). The names of the data files also reflect the time span interval, so for example a file with name 1528631988-1528632048 contains only events that happened at or after 1528631988, but before 1528632048.

The store by default uses in-memory buffers to write new events, and flushes the buffer periodically. By default the flushing occurs roughly every second (1000ms, see the parameter flush_interval). This increases the performance of the store, but if outage occurs within this interval, the data in the in-memory buffers will be lost. The store can be configured to flush the events immediately on disk (by passing 0 for flush_interval), but this decreases the performance of the store significantly.

The instances of this class are thread-safe and can be shared between threads.

  • root_dirstr, the root directory where to store the events data files.
  • flush_intervalint, flush interval for the data files buffers in milliseconds. The event data files will be flushed and persisted on disk every flush_interval milliseconds. The default value is 1000ms. To flush immediately (no buffering), set this value equal or less than 0.

Close and cleanup the underlying store.


NaiveEventStore does not support indexing, so a delete by id is not supported.


NaiveEventStore does not support indexing, so search by id is also not supported.


Saves an event in the underlying storage.

This method is guaranteed to be atomic in the sense that the storage will either succeed to write and flush the event, or it will fail completely. In either case, the storage will be left in a consistent state.

Parameters:eventtheia.model.Event, the Event object to store.

This method does not return any value.

search(ts_start, ts_end=None, flags=None, match=None, order='asc')[source]

Performs a search for events matching events in the specified time range.

  • ts_startfloat, start of the time range. Matching events with timestamp bigger or equal to this paramter will be returned.
  • ts_endfloat, end of the time range. Matching events with timestamp smaller or equal to this paramter will be returned.
  • flagslist, events that have ALL of the flags will be returned.
  • matchstr, regular expression, (restricted to a subset of the full regexp support) to match the event content against.
  • orderstr, 'asc' or 'desc', order in which the events are returned.

The operation returns an iterator over the matched (ordered) set of events. This operation satisfies the strict consistency.

class theia.naivestore.PeriodicTimer(interval, action)[source]

Timer that executes an action periodically with a given interval.

The timer executes the action in a separate thread (as this class is a subclass of threading.Thread). To run the action you must call PeriodicTimer.start(). The first execution of the action is delayed by interval seconds. This timer does not call the action callback every interval seconds, but rather waits interval seconds between after the action completes until the next call. So for a long running tasks, the time of call of the action may not be evenly spaced.

You can cancel this timer by calling meth:PeriodicTimer.cancel.

  • intervalnumeric, seconds to wait between subsequent calls to action callback.
  • actionfunction, the action callback. This callback takes no arguments.

Cancels the running timer.

The timer thread may continue running until the next cycle, then it exits.


Runs the periodic timer.

Do not call this function directly, but rather call PeriodicTimer.start() to run this thread.

To cancel the timer, call PeriodicTimer.cancel().

class theia.naivestore.SequentialEventReader(stream, event_parser)[source]

Reads events (theia.model.Event) from an incoming io.BytesIO stream.

Uses an theia.model.EventParser to parse the events from the incoming stream.

Provides two ways of parsing the events:

  • Parsing the event fully - loads the header and the content of the event. See
  • Parsing only the event header - this skips the loading of the content. Useful for not wasting performance/memory
    on loading and decoding the event content when not searching by the event content.

This reader implements the context manager interface and can be used in with statements. For example:

with SequentialEventReader(stream, parser) as reader:
    for event in

Reads an theia.model.Event at the current position in the stream.

Reads the event fully.

Returns the theia.model.Event at the current position of the stream or None if there are no more available events to be read from the stream (the stream closes).


Reads full events from the incoming stream.

Returns an iterator for the read events and yields theia.model.Event as it becomes available in the stream.

The iterator stops if there are no more events available in the stream or the stream closes.


Reads events without content (just header) from the incoming stream.

Returns an iterator for the read events and yields theia.model.Event as it becomes available in the stream.

Note that the content property of the theia.model.Event will always be set to None.

The iterator stops if there are no more events available in the stream or the stream closes.

Performs a binary search in the list of datafiles, for the index of the first data file that contain events that happened at or after the provided timestamp.

  • datafileslist of DataFile, list of datafiles sorted in ascending order by the start timestamp.
  • timestampfloat, the timestamp to serch for.

Returns the index (int) of the first DataFile in the list that contains event that occurred at or after the provided timestamp. Returns None if no such data file can be found.


Query theia server for events.

This module contains the Query that implements API for querying theia collector server.

class theia.query.Query(host, port, secure=False, loop=None)[source]

Represents a query to a theia collector server.

The query instances are thread-safe.

  • hoststr, the hostname (IP) of the collector server.
  • portint, the port of the collector server.
  • securebool, whether to connect securely to the collector server.
  • loopasyncio.BaseEventLoop, the event loop to use.
find(criteria, callback=None)[source]

Make a query to the collector.

The collector will search for any events that occured before theis query was sent to the server and will return those that match the given criteria.

  • criteria

    dict, the criteria filter for the events. This is a dict that can contain the following keys:

    • id, str, pattern for matching the event id.
    • source, str, pattern for matching the event source.
    • start, int, match events with timestamp greater or equal to this.
    • end, int, match events with timestamp less than or equal to this.
    • content, str, pattern for matching the event content.
    • tags, list, list of patterns to match against the event tags.
  • callbackfunction, called with the matching event content. The method takes one argument, the serialized theia.model.Event.

Returns a ResultHandler.

live(criteria, callback=None)[source]

Make a live query to the collector.

The collector will watch for any events that occur after the live query is registered and return those that match the given criteria.

  • criteria

    dict, the criteria filter for the events. This is a dict that can contain the following keys:

    • id, str, pattern for matching the event id.
    • source, str, pattern for matching the event source.
    • start, int, match events with timestamp greater or equal to this.
    • end, int, match events with timestamp less than or equal to this.
    • content, str, pattern for matching the event content.
    • tags, list, list of patterns to match against the event tags.
  • callbackfunction, called with the matching event content. The method takes one argument, the serialized theia.model.Event.

Returns a ResultHandler.

class theia.query.ResultHandler(client)[source]

Represents a result of a query against a theia collector server.

The result of a query to the collector server is a stream of events. A callback (see callback in can be set to be called whenever an theia.model.Event is received, but the control to close the stream is passed down to a ResultHandler.

This class wraps the theia.comm.Client used to connect to the collector server and adds support for registering on client closed events. It also adds means to close (cancel) the connection to the theia server.

Parameters:clienttheia.comm.Client, the underlying client to the theia server.

Cancel this result.

Closes the underlying client connection.


Register a handler to be called when the connection to the server is closed.

The handler has the following signature:

def closed_handler(client, code, reason):


  • client - theia.comm.Client, is the underlying client connected to the theia collector.
  • code - int, wbsocket close connection code.
  • reason - str, the reason for closing the connection.


Event Store API

Defines classes, methods and exceptions to be used when implementing an Event Store.

exception theia.storeapi.EventNotFound[source]

Raised if there is no event found in the underlying storage.

exception theia.storeapi.EventReadException[source]

Represents an error while reading an event from the underlying storage.

class theia.storeapi.EventStore[source]

EventStore is the basic interface for interaction with the events.

Main uses of this store are CRUD interactions with the events. The API provides powerful search through all events based on a time range and optionally additional flags. An instance of this class is thread-safe.


Close and cleanup the underlying store.


Deletes an event from the storage.

The delete operation removes an event from the underlying storage. This operation is guaranteed to be atomic, the event will either be removed or it will fail completely. In either case the storage will be left in a consistent state.

Parameters:event_idstr, the unique identifier of the event to be removed.

This method does not return any value.


Looks up an event by its unique identifier.

The storage will try to look up the event with the specified id:

  • if the event is found, it will return an Event object
  • the event is not found, raises an EventNotFound excepton.

Edge cases:

  • If the event is being inserted AFTER the get(..) operation is invoked,
    there is NO guarantee that it will be fetched.
  • If the event is being inserted BEFORE the get(..) operation is invoked,
    but that transaction is still not commited, the operaton will block until the write operation completes (or errors out) and the Event will be returned (if the write succeds) or will error out (if the write fails) - strict consistency
Some specific implementations may break the strict consistency if the underlying mechanism does not provide means to implement it. In those cases, the subclass must override this documentation and must document its exact for the above edge-cases.
Parameters:event_idstr, the unique identifier of the event to be looked up.

Returns the theia.model.Event with the given id, or None if no such event exists.


Saves an event in the underlying storage.

This method is guaranteed to be atomic in the sense that the storage will either succeed to write and flush the event, or it will fail completely. In either case, the storage will be left in a consistent state.

Parameters:eventtheia.model.Event, the Event object to store.

This method does not return any value.

search(ts_start, ts_end=None, flags=None, match=None, order='asc')[source]

Performs a search for events matching events in the specified time range.

  • ts_startfloat, start of the time range. Matching events with timestamp bigger or equal to this paramter will be returned.
  • ts_endfloat, end of the time range. Matching events with timestamp smaller or equal to this paramter will be returned.
  • flagslist, events that have ALL of the flags will be returned.
  • matchstr, regular expression, (restricted to a subset of the full regexp support) to match the event content against.
  • orderstr, 'asc' or 'desc', order in which the events are returned.

The operation returns an iterator over the matched (ordered) set of events. This operation satisfies the strict consistency.

exception theia.storeapi.EventStoreException[source]

General store error.

exception theia.storeapi.EventWriteException[source]

Represents an error while writing an event to the underlying storage.


File watcher.

Watches files and directories for changes and emits the chnages as events.

class theia.watcher.DirectoryEventHandler(handlers)[source]

Implements and is used with the underlying watchdog.observers.Observer.

Reacts on events triggered by the watchdog Observer and passes down to the registered handlers.

The handlers are registered when creating the instance as a constructor argument. They must be specified as dict whose keys (str) are the names of the events and the entries are the event handlers themselves.

An example of creating new DirectoryEventHandler:

def on_file_moved(src_path, dest_path):
    print("File has moved", src_path, "->", dest_path)

event_handler = DirectoryEventHandler(handlers={
    "moved": on_file_moved

The following events are supported:

  • moved - handles the move of a file to another location. The handler

    takes two arguments: the source path and the destination path. The method signature looks like this:

    def moved_handler(src_path, dest_path):
  • created - handles file creation. The handler takes one argument: the

    path of the created file.

    def created_handler(file_path):
  • modified - handles file modification. The handler takes one argument:

    the path of the modified file.

    def created_handler(file_path):
  • deleted - handles file deletion. The handler takes one argument: the

    path of the deleted file.

    def created_handler(file_path):
Parameters:handlers (dict) – a dict of handlers for specific events.

Called when a file or directory is created.

Parameters:event (DirCreatedEvent or FileCreatedEvent) – Event representing file/directory creation.

Called when a file or directory is deleted.

Parameters:event (DirDeletedEvent or FileDeletedEvent) – Event representing file/directory deletion.

Called when a file or directory is modified.

Parameters:event (DirModifiedEvent or FileModifiedEvent) – Event representing file/directory modification.

Called when a file or a directory is moved or renamed.

Parameters:event (DirMovedEvent or FileMovedEvent) – Event representing file/directory movement.
class theia.watcher.FileSource(file_path, callback, enc='UTF-8', tags=None)[source]

Represents a source of events.

The underlying file that is being watched does not have to exist at the moment of creation of this FileSource.

  • file_path (str) – the path to the file to be watched.
  • callback (function) –

    the callback handler to be executed when the file is changed. The callback is called with the difference, the path to the file and the list of tags for this source. The method signature looks like this:

    def callback(diff, path, tags):


    • diff, str is the difference from the last state of the file. Usually this is the content of the emitted event.
    • path, str is the path to the file that has changed. Usually this is the source property of the event.
    • tags, list is the list of tags associated with this event source.
  • enc (str) – the file encoding. If not specified, UTF-8 is assumed.
  • tags (list) – list of tags associated with this source.

Called when the file has actually been created. Does not trigger the callbacks.


Triggers an execution of the callbacks when the file has been modified.

Loads the difference from the source file and calls the registered callbacks.


Called when the source file has been moved to another location.

Parameters:dest_path (str) – the target location of the file after the move.

Called when the file has been removed. Does not triggers the callbacks.

class theia.watcher.SourcesDaemon(observer, client, tags=None)[source]

Daemon that watches multiple sources for events.

Uses watchdog to monitor files and directories for changes. This defaults to using inotify kernel subsystem on Linux systems, kqueue on MacOSX and BSD-like systems and ReadDirectoryChangesW on Windows.

  • observer (watchdog.observers.Observer) – an instance of the watchdog.observers.Observer to be used.
  • client (theia.comm.Client) – a client to a theia collector server.
  • tags (list) – initial list of default tags that are appended to every file source watched by this daemon.
add_source(fpath, enc='UTF-8', tags=None)[source]

Add source of events to be watched by this daemon.

The path will be added as a file source and a list of tags will be associated with it. The default list of tags will be added to provided tags.

  • fpath (str) – the path of the file to be watched.
  • enc (str) – the file encoding. By default UTF-8 is assumed.
  • tags (list) – list of tags to be added to the events generated by this file source.

Remove this path from the list of file event sources.

All associated watchers and handlers are removed as well.

Parameters:fpath (str) – the path of the file to be removed from the watching list.