Installation Guide

Theia runs on python3, so before installing, please make sure that you have the latest version of python3 and pip (for python3). Use your package manager to install python3 and pip.

Installing with pip

To install with pip, just run::
pip install theia

Note that you may require sudo so it will install theia globally.

Installing from source

Prerequisites: you’ll need git installed.

If you want to hack around in theia’s code, you can install the source package.

You can install it with pip, or clone it with git in a virtual environment.

python -m venv dev
Then activate the environment:
source dev/bin/activate

Install with git

First cd to the directory where you want to checkout the source code, and clone the repository:

cd ~/projects/workspace
git clone
Then cd to the theia directory and create the virtual environment:
cd theia
python -m venv ENV/dev
source ENV/dev/bin/activate
Then install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Install with pip

First make sure you have your virtual environment set up and activated:
cd ~/projects/workspace
python -m venv ENV/dev
source ENV/dev/bin/activate

Go to the directory where you want to checkout the source code, install with pip from the Github repository:

pip install -e "git+"
Confirm you’ve have the package properly installed:
python -m theia.cli --help

You should see the help message.

Then cd to the source directory in your ENV:
cd ENV/dev/src/theia

And you’re ready to go.